10 Steps To Take You Out Of Your Comfort Zone Into Expansion
Sep 17, 2023
The secret to expanding your life is getting used to discomfort...
(you’re gonna have to take your slippers off)
Doing something new is never NOT going to be unsettling. You just have to lean into it. You are going against your built-in safety protocols.
However, discomfort is where the growth lies, which means you have to get used to it if you want to expand.
Your brain is wired to keep you alive and avoid danger. That’s why you feel fear, anxiety, doubt, and resistance when you try something new. Your brain releases a bunch of stress hormones into your body, and your mind makes up stories about them. It’s your mind’s way of saying: “Yoooo, hold up! This might be a bit on the risky side let's play it safe... Wanna watch Netflix?”
But here’s the thing...
You are not your brain.
(that's basically a lump of goo floating around inside your skull)
You are more than that. You are way more than goo! You have the power to choose what you want to do with your life, even if it scares you.
So when you feel that discomfort, don’t run away from it. Don’t let it stop you. Lean into it. Embrace it. Welcome it. It means you are growing. It means you are challenging yourself. It means you are living fully. FULL-LLY
Discomfort is where you learn new skills, discover new insights, create new opportunities, and make new connections.
It’s where you move towards becoming...
*insert overly long drumroll
(just get used to it if you want to expand, already. Dammit! — It does get easier though I promise, once you've done it once and find out it didn't kill you you can do it again)
Don’t settle for comfort and mediocrity. Don’t let fear hold you back. And don't let it scare you back into comfort while you step into the "oh f*ck zone." Don’t let your brain limit you (remember it's goo).
You are made of infinite possibility.
Get uncomfortable, and explore it!
And, here are the 10 steps to take you out of your comfort zone into expansion:
How comfortable are your slippers and how deep does your butt-print go into your sofa?
— Begin by figuring out what you wish to change about your comfy life.
⚡️ 2. WAKE UP!
The majority of humans are asleep at the wheel of life and don't realise that they are creating every bit of it on autopilot.
— Start to listen to the voices in your head and talk to the emotions you feel. Look at it as data showing you where you are stuck.
Without a plan that you're going to follow you ain't got sh*t! (sorry for the truth bomb)
— Make your goals bite-sized though. Start with chunks and work up to them being chunky!
The plan needs pictures, it needs words, it needs all your senses activated to make it come to life!
— Get into a chilled state of relaxation in meditation and get on to some visualisation. Seeeeeee yourself succeeding. BE the person succeeding.
Fear is your friend. The whole point of it from an evolutionary point of view is to keep you safe, remember.
— Journal on what's scaring you (there's a smorgasbord of fears to choose from) and if they don't involve lions and tigers and bears then they are in your mind.
Building confidence and belief in yourself starts with small promises and manageable risks.
— Every time you nail one lil thing celebrate it and move to the next gradually increasing the level of challenge you set for yourself.
Understand that setbacks and failures are part of the process and the only real failure is the failure to try.
— Your mistakes are lessons! They are growth opportunities. Call them that. Pivot as necessary.
"He who pivots first, fails last."
(completely made-up proverb)
Once you get the hang of it you can reach higher levels of personal growth as you expand your goal list.
— Keep setting new exciting challenges. There is no "end game" (other than death so don't die with regrets, OK?)
You are capable of doing anything and everything. You're f*cking amazing (you know that right, {{ first_name }}?
— But in case you have a blindspot it can be super helpful to hang with a trusted friend, mentor, or coach. BONUS: Accountability is a growth fuel.
Discomfort is temporary, growth is permanent.
Remember that breaking free of your comfort zone is a personal journey, and everyone's path is unique so go easy on yourself.
As Yoda once said, "Patience you must have, my young Padawan."
🎬 Action
Start with step 1 above. Grab a journal and answer this question: "What do I want, wish for, desire, or require for my life to be its most awesome?"
F*ck what's realistic, and what you think it "should" look like. Dream big kiddo. Nothing big comes from small dreams. The quantum field is your oyster!
✨ Affirmation
"I am made of infinite possibility, and I embrace discomfort as my path to becoming UltimateMe™️"
Happy journalling and comfort zone busting!